UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention officially declares Imran Khan’s detention “illegal”, What’s next?

Humaira Naz
3 min readJul 1, 2024


United Nations (@UN) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has given its official opinion on Imran Khan’s detention. They have declared that Imran Khan’s detention is illegal and should be released immediately. This development has significant implications not only for Imran Khan but also for the Pakistani government and the international community. In this article, we will explore the consequences of this declaration and what it means for the future of Imran Khan and the country of Pakistan.

The Illegal Detention of Imran Khan

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention is a body of independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council to assess cases of arbitrary detention around the world. Their opinions hold considerable weight and are seen as authoritative interpretations of international human rights law. Therefore, their declaration that Imran Khan’s detention is illegal carries immense significance. Imran Khan, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, was detained in July 2021 on charges of inciting violence during a protest rally. His arrest sparked widespread controversy and raised concerns about the state of democracy and human rights in Pakistan. The UN Working Group’s declaration not only vindicates Imran Khan’s claims of arbitrary detention but also casts doubt on the legitimacy of the charges brought against him.

If the Pakistan government releases Imran Khan

The Pakistani government now faces a critical decision. Will they abide by the UN Working Group’s opinion and release Imran Khan immediately, or will they choose to ignore it?

The government’s response will have far-reaching implications for its international reputation and its commitment to upholding human rights. If the Pakistani government chooses to release Imran Khan, it will demonstrate a commitment to the rule of law and respect for international human rights standards. It would also signal a willingness to engage with the international community and address concerns about the country’s democratic processes. Such a move could potentially lead to improved diplomatic relations and increased foreign investment in Pakistan.

If the Pakistan government doesn’t release Imran Khan

On the other hand, if the government decides to ignore the UN Working Group’s opinion and continue to detain Imran Khan, it risks further damaging its international standing. The declaration of his detention as illegal by an authoritative international body puts Pakistan under scrutiny and raises questions about the government’s commitment to human rights. It could result in international condemnation, sanctions, or other forms of diplomatic pressure.

Implications for the broader human rights situation in Pakistan

Furthermore, the UN Working Group’s opinion also has implications for the broader human rights situation in Pakistan. It highlights the need for the government to address concerns regarding arbitrary detention, freedom of expression, and the right to peaceful assembly.

The declaration serves as a reminder that the international community is closely watching and expects Pakistan to uphold its human rights obligations. In light of the UN Working Group’s declaration, Imran Khan’s legal team can also leverage this opinion to challenge his detention in domestic courts. The opinion carries significant weight and can serve as a persuasive argument in favor of his release. It strengthens Imran Khan’s legal position and provides an additional avenue for seeking justice.

Effectiveness of the Pakistani judiciary

The declaration also raises questions about the effectiveness of the Pakistani judiciary in safeguarding human rights. If the UN Working Group concludes that Imran Khan’s detention is illegal, it implies that the domestic legal system failed to protect his rights. This calls for a critical examination of the judicial processes and the need for reforms to ensure the independence and effectiveness of the judiciary. In conclusion, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention’s declaration that Imran Khan’s detention is illegal has far-reaching consequences. It puts the Pakistani government in a challenging position, forcing them to decide between respecting international human rights standards or risking further damage to their international reputation. The declaration also highlights the need for Pakistan to address concerns regarding arbitrary detention and human rights more broadly.

Imran Khan’s legal team can utilize this opinion to challenge his detention, while the judiciary faces scrutiny regarding its effectiveness in safeguarding human rights. The coming days will be crucial in determining the future course of action and the impact this declaration will have on Pakistan’s political and human rights landscape.



Humaira Naz

Author is a Researcher and Writer on Geopolitics, Information Technology, and Autism.