Surviving the Freelance Lifestyle: Overcoming Challenges Faced by Remote Workers

Humaira Naz
14 min readMar 13, 2023


As a remote worker, the freedom to set your schedule and work from any location may seem like a dream come true. However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

The challenges freelance and remote workers face are vast and varied, spanning everything from isolation and communication breakdowns to a lack of structure and productivity-impeding distractions. Overcoming challenges as a remote worker is essential to thriving in this unconventional work-life arrangement.

In this blog post, we’ll be taking a closer look at some of the most common challenges faced by freelancers and remote workers and offering some practical tips for overcoming them. So, if you’re struggling to maintain your focus and stay on track as a remote worker, read on!

Surviving as a freelancer is not an easy task, but remote workers can conquer the challenges they face with hard work, dedication, and perseverance. From finding clients, managing finances, and dealing with isolation, freelancers must navigate a unique lifestyle that requires them to be self-motivated and disciplined.

Also, freelancers must learn how to balance their personal and professional lives while maintaining steady incomes. Despite these obstacles, the rewards of freelancing far outweigh the negatives, providing individuals with the flexibility to work from anywhere and pursue their passions.

This article will discuss freelancers' many challenges and provide tips on overcoming them. So whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or just getting started, read on to discover how to thrive in the freelance lifestyle.


It’s no secret that the freelance lifestyle can be rewarding and challenging. While working remotely offers a level of autonomy and flexibility that’s hard to beat, it also requires a strong sense of discipline and self-motivation.

As a freelancer, staying productive and focused is crucial, even when faced with distractions and disruptions. If you’re a remote worker struggling to stay motivated, you’re not alone.

It’s a common issue many freelancers face, but the good news is that you can use strategies to overcome it. From setting goals and creating a routine to finding support and taking breaks, there are plenty of ways to stay motivated and productive as a freelancer.

But with so many tips and tricks out there, knowing where to start can be overwhelming. That’s why in this article, we’ll explore the challenges remote workers face and provide practical advice on staying motivated as a freelancer.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, these insights will help you thrive in the fast-paced, ever-changing world of freelance work. So if you’re ready to take your productivity to the next level and overcome the obstacles that stand in your way, read on for our top tips on staying motivated as a freelancer.

Isolation and Loneliness

For many freelancers, the freedom that comes with working remotely is a dream come true. However, freedom comes with a price.

A glaring challenge freelancers face isolation and loneliness. Working alone day after day can be isolating, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and even depression.

Being a freelancer might seem like the perfect gig, but it can be challenging. Loneliness can take its toll and make it difficult to stay motivated and productive.

Fortunately, there are a few tips for freelancers to overcome these challenges. The first step is to stay connected.

Freelancers can join online communities or groups to meet and collaborate with like-minded individuals. These groups provide a sense of belonging and help keep loneliness at bay.

It’s also essential for freelancers to stay connected with family and friends. Maintaining regular communication with loved ones can help fight off feelings of isolation.

Another tip is to create a routine. Creating and sticking to a work schedule can provide much-needed structure to a freelancer’s life.

A routine provides a sense of purpose and helps maintain focus. It also helps set boundaries between work and personal life.

A routine can help freelancers stay on track, be more productive, and reduce feelings of isolation. Lastly, freelancers should take care of their physical and mental health.

Exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep can improve mental health. It’s also essential to take breaks throughout the day, get outside, and recharge.

Freelancers must remember that caring for themselves is crucial to staying motivated and productive. By taking these simple steps, freelancers can overcome the challenges of isolation and loneliness and thrive in their freelance lifestyle.

Lack of Structure

Surviving as a freelancer can be challenging, especially when lacking structure in your work-life balance. While having the freedom to work from anywhere is a luxury, it can also lead to feeling disorganized and unproductive.

With no schedule, it’s easy to find yourself answering emails at odd night hours or distracted by household chores during work hours. But fear not. There are ways to overcome this challenge.

First and foremost, it’s important to establish a routine. This doesn’t necessarily mean waking up at the crack of dawn or working a strict 9–5 schedule, but rather finding a schedule that works for you and sticking to it.

Set specific work hours and plan your daily tasks, incorporating breaks and physical activity. Another way to structure your day is to find a designated workspace.

This can be a separate room in your home or a co-working space. Having a specific place to work can help create a boundary between work and personal life, making it easier to focus and be productive.

Time management tools such as calendars, to-do lists, and productivity apps can also help with organization and structure. Find tools that work for you, and don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the right fit.

While the lack of structure can be a hurdle for freelancers, it’s not insurmountable. Finding a routine, designated workspace, and utilizing time management tools can help create a productive and successful freelance lifestyle.

Fierce Competition

Let’s talk about working from home challenges, specifically, the fierce competition that remote workers face in the freelance world. In today’s digital age, more and more people are opting to work from home, making remote work a highly competitive field to break into.

The abundance of talent can make it difficult for freelance professionals to stand out, leading to missed opportunities and reduced earning potential. The pressure to keep up with the competition can also affect one’s mental health, leading to self-doubt and impostor syndrome.

To overcome this challenge, remote workers need to focus on their unique selling points and leverage them to their advantage. Developing a personal brand, building a strong portfolio, and networking with other professionals in their field can all help them secure more work and stand out amidst the crowd.

Another important aspect is continuous learning and upskilling. By keeping up with the latest industry trends and acquiring new skills, freelancers can enhance their services and differentiate themselves from competitors.

It’s also essential for them to stay organized, meet deadlines, and maintain high professionalism. Working from home challenges are not to be underestimated, but remote workers can overcome any obstacle and thrive in their freelance careers with the right mindset and strategies.

Financial Insecurity

As a remote worker, overcoming financial insecurity is one of the most daunting obstacles a freelancer can face. While the so-called “gig economy” has become increasingly popular in recent years, it comes with its fair share of financial risks that can leave many overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.

For instance, freelancers often face uncertainties in income, with no guarantee of regular or stable paychecks. Consequently, creating and sticking to a budget can be especially challenging for remote workers.

Keeping track of earnings, expenses, and savings is essential to avoid debt, which can further add to financial insecurity. Moreover, managing taxes and determining appropriate rates can also be difficult for remote workers.

Freelancers must take on the burden of calculating and paying their taxes, which can lead to hefty fines or legal issues if handled incorrectly. Hourly rates should be calculated based on industry standards, expertise, and experience, as these factors may also vary by location.

To tackle financial insecurity as a remote worker, implementing financial strategies like having an emergency fund or securing adequate health insurance can provide peace of mind. Finding ways to diversify income sources, such as taking on part-time or seasonal work, can help reduce reliance on a single client or project, decreasing the risk of financial chaos.

As a remote worker, taking control of one’s finances may take extra effort, but securing a stable career is necessary for the long run.


Self-management is the cornerstone of any successful freelance career. From managing freelance workloads to prioritizing tasks, remote workers face unique challenges that require them to be proactive and disciplined.

Freelancing can be an extremely liberating experience, but it can also be incredibly isolating. Without the structure of a traditional office environment, it’s easy to fall into bad habits like procrastination, burnout, or working all day without a break.

Managing a freelance workload begins with setting clear boundaries and expectations for yourself. Setting a schedule is an essential part of this process.

While the flexibility of freelancing is a perk, without a set schedule, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and disorganized, leading to missed deadlines, lost clients, or subpar work. Creating a daily or weekly task list with specific goals can help keep you on track and accountable for your work.

Another key to self-management is developing productive habits that work for you. This could include taking regular breaks, going for a walk during the day, or limiting your time on email or social media.

Whatever habits you develop should be tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Overall, self-management is a skill that takes time and practice to perfect.

But by prioritizing self-discipline, setting clear boundaries, and developing good habits, you can build a thriving freelance career that allows you to do your best work on your terms.

Time Management

With the rise of remote work, freelancing has become a popular career choice for many individuals seeking flexibility and control over their work lives. However appealing as the freelance lifestyle may seem, it’s not without its challenges.

Many remote workers face significant obstacles, and effective time management is often one of the biggest hurdles freelancers must overcome to succeed. Managing your time effectively as a remote worker means finding the right balance between work and personal life and avoiding distractions that can derail your productivity.

It’s not easy, but with practice and discipline, it’s achievable. One effective strategy is to create a schedule that considers all the tasks you need to complete and any external commitments you might have, such as childcare or errands.

Another key to successful time management is to set clear boundaries for work and personal life. It can be tempting to work around the clock as a freelancer, but this quickly leads to burnout and exhaustion.

Instead, try to set a consistent schedule that allows you to focus on your work during set hours and relax during your free time. Despite their best efforts, many remote workers still struggle with time management.

Whether due to procrastination or a lack of focus, remote work obstacles can be difficult to overcome. However, perseverance and a commitment to self-improvement make it possible to find success and fulfillment as a freelancer.

Building Your Brand

As a freelancer, building your brand is more important than ever. It’s how you get noticed, win clients, and create a reputation that stands the test of time.

However, building your brand requires carefully balancing providing quality work while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Balancing freelance work and personal life can be difficult, especially for those working remotely or from home.

For one, getting stuck in the cycle of constantly checking your email and taking on more work can be easy, leading to burnout and mental exhaustion. But how can you balance both sides of your life? One piece of advice is to set boundaries.

Yes, you’re a freelancer, but that doesn’t mean you must be available 24/7. Rather than answering client emails at all times of the day, consider setting specific hours when you’ll respond to messages.

Additionally, it’s crucial to schedule time for yourself. It might sound cliche, but if you don’t care for yourself, you won’t be able to provide your best work.

Prioritize time for hobbies, friends, and family. Another way to balance work and personal life is to create a dedicated workspace.

Not only does this help you get into the work mindset, but it also helps you to disconnect and leave work at the end of the day. Remember, work-life balance is all about setting boundaries and sticking to them.

So, invest in your workspace, choose a comfortable chair and a quality desk, and make it your own. Ultimately, balancing freelance work and personal life is an ongoing challenge that’s well worth tackling.

By building your brand while maintaining a healthy work-life balance, you’ll find success and happiness in your personal and professional life.

Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be challenging for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for freelancers. With the lines between work and personal life often blurred, and the freedom to work around the clock, it can be easy to become burnt out and overwhelmed.

Common freelance struggles and solutions for maintaining a healthy work-life balance are plentiful, but implementing them successfully takes conscious effort and dedication. One key solution is maintaining a strict schedule and setting boundaries.

Designating specific work hours and sticking to them can create a sense of structure and routine while also ensuring that personal time is protected. Additionally, setting a physical workspace separate from the rest of the home can create a mental divide between work and personal life.

Another important aspect of maintaining a healthy work-life balance is taking breaks and prioritizing self-care. Freelancers have the flexibility to build in breaks throughout the day, and it’s crucial to take advantage of this opportunity to rest, recharge, and refocus.

Whether it’s scheduling a workout, taking a walk outside, or simply stepping away from the computer for a few minutes, regular breaks can help reduce stress and improve productivity. Managing a freelance career's ins and outs takes time, patience, and determination.

By understanding the common struggles of navigating a remote work lifestyle and implementing solutions that work for your individual needs, you can create a balanced and fulfilling career that supports your personal life and goals.

Dealing with Difficult Clients

Dealing with difficult clients is one of the freelance workers' most daunting challenges. In a world where customer satisfaction is everything, pleasing every client can seem almost impossible.

However, it is important to understand that each client is unique and requires a different approach. Therefore, as a remote worker, you must ensure that each client receives the best possible service.

One of the biggest struggles of being a remote worker is dealing with isolation. The lack of social interaction and connection with other individuals can leave freelancers feeling lonely and uninspired.

Creating and maintaining a support system during these times is essential to keep up motivation and morale. When faced with a difficult client, it’s important to remain professional and focus on the task.

Remember that you are not responsible for a client’s issues or preferences. Instead, try to understand their perspective and actively listen to their concerns.

By doing so, you may also learn new ways to improve your work. Sometimes, however, walking away from a difficult client may be necessary.

Your mental health and well-being should always come first, and sacrificing your happiness for a single project is not worth sacrificing. Remember that as a remote worker, you have the freedom to choose the clients you work with, and it’s important to exercise that freedom.

In conclusion, dealing with difficult clients is a part of the freelance lifestyle, but it’s not insurmountable. By creating a support system, staying professional and focused, and knowing when to walk away, you can overcome these challenges and thrive as a remote worker.

Don’t let isolation hinder your success; reach out for help and take care of yourself.

Networking and Community

Networking and community may seem like buzzwords in the professional world, but they hold immense importance for remote workers struggling with freelance lifestyle challenges. Freelancers often face isolation, lack of motivation, and difficulty finding new clients, leading to burnout and stalled careers.

This is where networking comes in. Building connections with others in your field can boost your motivation, provide support and knowledge, and even lead to new business opportunities. But how does one network in a remote setting? Online communities, such as Slack channels, forums, and social media groups, have become popular places for freelancers to connect and share resources.

These communities offer a space to ask for advice, share successes, and network with like-minded individuals. It’s also important to attend industry events and conferences whenever possible to meet people face-to-face.

These events provide valuable knowledge and inspiration for your work and can also be a prime opportunity to make meaningful connections with colleagues and potential clients. Finally, creating your network can be a game-changer in overcoming freelance lifestyle challenges.

Starting a mastermind group or accountability partnership with other freelancers can provide accountability and motivation for personal and professional growth. Overall, networking and community are vital tools for freelancers to survive and thrive in remote work.

By building connections, seeking support, and creating your network, you can conquer the challenges of the freelance lifestyle and achieve success on your terms.


In conclusion, the struggles of working remotely are real, and we cannot ignore them. However, they are not an insurmountable obstacle.

Freelancers can overcome the challenges of the remote work lifestyle by taking proactive and practical steps. First and foremost, it’s essential to establish a routine and stick to it.

Avoid the temptation to sleep in, and create a designated workspace that fosters productivity and focus. But that’s just the beginning.

Another important aspect of overcoming the struggles of working remotely is setting boundaries. Many remote workers fall into the trap of working round the clock, leading to burnout, anxiety, and ill health.

Establishing set working hours and sticking to them is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, freelancers should make time to connect personally and professionally with others.

This can include networking events, online groups, or scheduling regular phone calls with friends and family. Ultimately, finding what works for you is the key to surviving the freelance lifestyle.

Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, experiment with different productivity hacks, and seek support when needed. Remember, the struggles of working remotely are not exclusive to this profession, and there’s no shame in asking for help.

By implementing the tips and strategies outlined in this article, freelancers can thrive in remote work environments and succeed on their own terms.

In Closing

In conclusion, the challenges faced by freelance and remote workers are numerous and multifaceted, ranging from isolation and loneliness to financial instability and lack of collaboration. However, with the right strategies and support systems in place, these obstacles can be overcome, and the benefits of the freelance lifestyle can be fully realized.

So, to all the freelancers and remote workers out there, keep pushing forward, and don’t let the challenges discourage you. Stay connected, focused, and resilient; you’ll find success and fulfillment in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of remote work.

Challenges are growth opportunities, and the rewards are worth the effort.



Humaira Naz

Author is a Researcher and Writer on Geopolitics, Information Technology, and Autism.