How Export-based Economy Can Help Pakistan Recover from Bankruptcy

Humaira Naz
11 min readOct 25, 2023


Pakistan is in dire economic straits, with a crippling debt of over $100 billion and a bankrupt treasury. The fiscal instability it faces has caused a serious economic decline that has taken a heavy toll on its people.

Pakistanis fought over a bag of free flour provided by the Government; many lost lives in the stampede.

While there is no single solution to the economic woes of the country, one solution that could bring much-needed relief to Pakistan is developing an export-based economy. By focusing on exports, Pakistan can benefit from the global markets and significantly increase the economic opportunities it can provide to its citizens.

Export-based economies have long been the main avenue toward economic growth and development. This could be the path Pakistan could take to overcome its economic struggles. By focusing on exports, Pakistan could reduce its trade deficit, increase foreign earnings, create jobs, and improve its global competitiveness, all of which could help to revitalize its economy.

Imran Khan’s billion tree project triggered the olive revolution in Pakistan.

Such an approach requires the country to identify its competitive advantages, establish new policies and programs to promote exports and create linkages between the public and private sectors to make the most of its resources and maximize the potential of its export-based economy. Doing so could be the key to unlocking the prosperity that Pakistan could achieve by embracing an export-based economy.

Pakistan has long been in dire straits economically, with rampant poverty, a lack of foreign investment, and a growing public debt. Recent news of the country’s economic decline has been particularly disheartening.

But there is hope for economic recovery through an export-based economy. With an export-based economy, Pakistan can tap into the world’s demand for its goods, services, and natural resources, creating a thriving and sustainable economy.

During the PTI tenure, remittances from Pakistanis abroad significantly increased to a record $29.3 billion in the fiscal year of 2021.

To achieve this, Pakistan must first take a step back and evaluate the existing economic framework to identify areas of improvement. By creating and adhering to a clear, focused plan, Pakistan can take advantage of the potential in its economy and reap the benefits of a successful export-based economy.

From targeted trade agreements to increasing exports of goods and services, Pakistan has the opportunity to up its game and gain greater recognition in the global market. Such a move would help the country’s financial situation, strengthen its diplomatic ties, build investor confidence, and attract foreign capital.


Pakistan is facing a dire financial crisis, with bankruptcy looming large. The country needs to focus on its export-based economy to solve this crisis.

By analyzing the effects of an export-based economic strategy on Pakistan’s financial stability, the country can take the necessary steps to ensure a secure and prosperous future. To do this, it must take a closer look at the benefits of an export-based economy, such as increased foreign investment, diversification of the economy, and access to global markets.

Furthermore, an export-based economy can create jobs and generate revenue, both essential for restoring the country’s financial stability. It is also worth noting that exports can reduce the number of imports needed, which can help to reduce further the already sky-high debt levels facing the country.

The country can build a brighter future by understanding how focusing on exports can help Pakistan recover from its current financial situation.

Economy Overview

The Pakistani economy is facing a long road to recovery from bankruptcy, and the key to this economic success may lie in the advantages of an export-based economy. With its vast natural resources and large population, Pakistan could create an export-based economy that encourages growth, helps the country out of its current financial woes, and position itself as an international business hub.

All Pakistan Textile Manufacturers Association (APTMA) expressed hopes during PTI tenure that the textile exports will reach $22 billion. The textile industry remains closed now after the Regime Change.

The export-based economy model can stimulate domestic production, create sustainable economic development, promote job growth, and increase foreign exchange earnings. By increasing exports, Pakistan could reduce its dependence on foreign aid and create a more self-sufficient economy.

Additionally, exports can help the country attract foreign investments and set it on the path to becoming a major player in the global economy with the right infrastructure and policy reforms.


As Pakistan may enter a new era of economic development once elections take place and a stable democratic government takes over, the many potential benefits of an export-based economy will become increasingly evident. By capitalizing on worldwide demand for its natural resources, agricultural products, and manufactured goods, Pakistan can create an export-based economy that can provide much-needed jobs and income.

The State Bank of Pakistan launched the Roshan Digital Account during the PTI rule, easing overseas Pakistanis to send remittances. Since Imran Khan’s govt removal and denial of Overseas voting rights, there has been a downward trend in Foreign remittances sent to Pakistan.

Additionally, the increased foreign currency earnings can help alleviate the country’s current fiscal crisis and provide the opportunity to invest in other areas such as infrastructure, education, and healthcare. As an export-based economy, Pakistan can tap into an international market of consumers and create a much-needed boost in economic growth.

Moreover, by having access to more markets and customers, local industries can become more competitive and develop both in quality and quantity, thus widening the range of products available for export. Furthermore, the intricate interrelationship between export-based economies and economic development in Pakistan can help create a more sustainable and prosperous future for the country.


The challenge of an export-based economy helping Pakistan recover from bankruptcy is immense. With an increasing population and a rising demand for necessities, the country faces the daunting task of ensuring enough resources to meet the needs of its citizens.

People displaced because of the floods carry a canister filled with flood water while taking refuge in a camp following rains and floods during the monsoon season in Sehwan on September 20, 2022. — Reuters

Moreover, the current political climate and the presence of militant groups in the region contribute to further difficulties. To make matters worse, Pakistan has a weak economy, limited infrastructure, and corruption.

Despite all these challenges, there is hope that an export-based economy can help Pakistan turn the tide. To this end, the Government must implement measures to ensure the efficient and effective utilization of resources, encourage investment in the export sector, and create an attractive and secure business climate for investors.

India-Pakistan tug of war over GI tag for Basmati rice patent takes a new turn. Source: CNBC

Additionally, the Government must work to eliminate the red tape and bureaucratic obstacles that prevent the smooth flow of goods and services. Finally, proper education and training for the country’s workforce should be provided to ensure the country is competitive in the global economy.

With the right policies, an export-based economy can be a viable solution for Pakistan to recover from bankruptcy. The challenge is inimitable, but the potential rewards are remarkable.

Political Instability

The PDM Government removed Imran Khan’s democratically elected Government and took over overnight.

The political instability of Pakistan has a significant impact on its economic crisis in several ways:

  1. Investor confidence: Political instability can make foreign and domestic investors uncertain about the country’s future, leading to a decline in investment and economic growth.
  2. Policy uncertainty: In a politically unstable environment, it can be difficult to implement consistent and effective economic policies, leading to uncertainty and inconsistency that can further deter investment.
  3. Public spending: Political instability can also result in a lack of consensus and delays in decision-making, which can negatively impact public spending on infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
  4. Corruption: Political instability can contribute to a rise in corruption, which can further damage the economy by deterring investment and reducing the efficiency of government programs.
  5. Security risks: Political instability can also increase security risks, including terrorism and civil unrest, leading to increased security spending and reduced economic activity.

These factors can contribute to Pakistan’s economic crisis, including a high inflation rate, low GDP growth, and a large trade deficit. To address the economic crisis, Pakistan needs a stable political environment, consistent economic policies, and increased investment in infrastructure and education.

Exporting Sectors

Pakistan’s economy has struggled for many years, and the current bankruptcy crisis is an especially difficult hurdle. One way to help the country recover is by focusing on export-based sectors, such as textiles, IT services, and pharmaceuticals.

Exports can help to stabilize the economy and create jobs for the people of Pakistan. The Government has already taken steps to improve the export sector, including providing incentives for local businesses to produce goods for export and offering loans and grants from the World Bank to support export-based businesses.

Pakistan’s Leather Garment Industry

However, more must be done to ensure these efforts are successful. By increasing the number of goods and services exported, Pakistan can reduce its reliance on imported goods and services and create a more diversified and stable economy.

Additionally, increased exports can encourage foreign investment and help the country recover from bankruptcy. As such, understanding how an export-based economy can help Pakistan’s economy is essential if the country is to recover and experience sustained economic growth.


Incentives have been used in many countries to jumpstart and grow an export-based economy and help ensure financial stability in the long run. Pakistan is no exception, with the Government heavily relying on export-based incentives to boost its economy.

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Incentives are often used to encourage businesses to invest more, increase production, and export as much as possible. This helps create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and increase the country’s revenue.

It can also improve a country’s balance of payments, which is essential for Pakistan’s financial future. The Government has implemented several measures to incentivize further export-based businesses in Pakistan, including tax incentives, government grants, and access to international markets.

These measures have shown encouraging results, as the country’s exports have increased significantly in recent years. As Pakistan continues to recover from bankruptcy, export-based incentives are important in ensuring a bright financial future for the country.

Market Access

As Pakistan strives to recover from bankruptcy, market access is a critical factor in the country’s economic success. A critical part of this initiative is the development of an export-based economy that can be achieved by encouraging foreign investment and improving competitiveness in the global marketplace.

UAE offers attractive market entry, flexible laws, and support to investors and the business community

The Government must provide strong incentives for companies to invest in the country to ensure successful market access. This could include tax breaks, access to land and technology, as well as providing infrastructure support.

Additionally, the Government must work to improve the quality of local products to make them more attractive to overseas markets. This can be done by investing in research and development, training programs, and technical education.

Additionally, the Government can work to reduce trade barriers and make it easier for companies to do business in Pakistan. The goal is to create an environment that allows businesses to bring in revenue, create jobs, and contribute to the country’s overall economic growth.

By improving access to markets, Pakistan can make substantial progress in its effort to recover from bankruptcy and consequently improve the lives of its citizens by providing them with more economic opportunities. ‘How to Recover from Bankruptcy in Pakistan’ is an important question that the country needs to address, and developing an export-based economy is a great way to start.

Regulatory Framework

Once political stability is achieved, Pakistan can attempt to recover from bankruptcy and revive its economy; developing a strong regulatory framework is essential for its success. A well-regulated export-based economy will create jobs and help increase the country’s foreign exchange reserves.

The corrupt elite of Pakistan serves as parasites festering over Pakistan’s corpse.

This, in turn, will help the country pay its debts and guarantee economic stability. The next democratically elected Pakistani Government must set the rules for exports, levying taxes, and documents required for exporting goods and services.

Penthouse Pirates: Inside Sharif’s Avenfield House in Mayfair, created after four luxury flats were knocked together. Sharif Family’s means of income remain unknown.

Moreover, incentivizing potential exporters should ensure that the export sector remains competitive in the global market. Furthermore, the Government should regularly review and update the regulations to safeguard against unforeseen events.

With a strong regulatory framework, attracting foreign investors who trust the next Government and creating a more dynamic export-based economy that can help Pakistan recover from bankruptcy will be easier. By keeping up with the latest trends in the world economy and applying them to its export-based economy, Pakistan can be sure of a successful recovery and pave the way for a prosperous future.

‘Export-based Economy and Recovery in Pakistan’ is a crucial step in the right direction.


In conclusion, the export-based economy can be an effective tool to help Pakistan recover from bankruptcy. While the country faces numerous economic and political challenges, export-driven growth in Pakistan can provide a pathway toward economic stability and prosperity.

By diversifying trade and allowing more foreign investment, for which a responsible democratic government is necessary, the country can significantly reduce its debt burden and spur sustainable economic growth. The Government must also move beyond traditional economic development methods, such as reliance on foreign aid, and focus on creating policies conducive to long-term economic growth.

Dubai Expo 2020, Pakistan Pavilion which was the most attractive and eye-catching pavilion out of all

Furthermore, the government and private sector must collaborate to ensure that the benefits of the export-based economy are evenly distributed and that the people of Pakistan benefit from improved living standards. Pakistan can move beyond bankruptcy and become a strong and prosperous nation by taking the necessary steps.


Pakistan is a developing nation, and an export-based economy is essential to become prosperous. Exports are a vital part of Pakistan’s export-based economy, as it helps the nation to generate revenue, reduce its foreign debt, and create employment for its citizens.

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Furthermore, exports create a competitive advantage for the nation, as it can produce goods and services at a lower cost than other countries. Moreover, exports also improve the nation’s global standing and attract foreign direct investment, which can further contribute to the nation’s economic growth.

With timely and effective policies and strategies, Pakistan could reach a tipping point and emerge from its current economic crisis towards a more secure and prosperous future.

The potential for growth and development exists, and export-based economic policies can help Pakistan recover economically. With the right strategies in place, Pakistan’s economic revival is a feasible and sustainable option that can place the country on the path to a more prosperous future.

In conclusion, exports play a crucial role in the economic development of Pakistan, and the Government should continue to encourage and support export-based activities to help the country’s economy flourish. We expect the next democratic Government to build investor trust and win back the hearts of Overseas Pakistanis who can shoulder the moribund economy of Pakistan.



Humaira Naz

Author is a Researcher and Writer on Geopolitics, Information Technology, and Autism.